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Provides an output of datasets to view through the user's default spreadsheet program.


  .path = NULL,
  .open = TRUE,
  .quiet = TRUE,
  .sheet_titles = stringr::str_to_title,
  .dataframe_spec = NULL,
  .tabname_spec = list(sep = ".", pad = ".", name_spec = "{inner}"),
  .workbook_spec = list(asTable = TRUE, zoom = 70, withFilter = TRUE),
  .return = list("workbook", "savepath", "tibbles", "boolean", "all")



A dataframe, list of dataframes, or inputs coercible to one or more dataframes.


Optional path to save a copy of the workbook output. Uses here::here() for savepath completion. If .path does not end in '.xlsx', automatically adds the suffix. If .path is not specified, workbook is saved only momentarily in an auto-named temp file. Always creates the specified directory location.


If FALSE, workbook will not open after being written.


If FALSE, echoes function messages.


NULL, a character vector the same length as the number of spreadsheets, or a purrr-style function or formula to apply to the default input names. The default is function: stringr::str_to_title().


NULL (default), or a purrr-style function to apply across all dataframes; e.g. ~janitor::clean_names(., case = 'title')) or janitor::clean_names to titlecase or snakecase fieldnames.


a list that allows the user to define tab labeling arguments: sep = ".", pad = ".", and name_spec = "inner"


a list of arguments to pass to openxlsx::buildWorkbook(), e.g. list(asTable = TRUE, orientation = 'landscape', zoom = 100, startRow = 7)


return (invisibly) one of 'workbook' (default), 'savepath', 'tibbles', or 'boolean' for workbook write success/failure. If 'all' returns all possibilities in a named list.


The side-effect, a workbook of spreadsheets, is the primary output of this function. The direct-return output is determined by the input parameter .return denoting whether to return the openxlsx workbook-object, the list of input data cast as tibbles, or the save path. Any output is returned invisibly.


If you use quick keys, the function set_xlr_key_chords() will assign ctrl + alt + shift + l to the function xl(). The quick keys allow you to open a spreadsheet by highlighting an expression or variable within an RStudio text editor, and then pressing all 3 control keys ctrl + alt + shift as well as the letter L to 'launch' a spreadsheet.


if (FALSE) {
xl(mtcars, iris)
xl(iris, iris)
xl(mtcars, iris, .workbook_spec = list(asTable = FALSE, orientation = 'landscape', name = NULL))
xl(mtcars, .sheet_titles = NULL)
iris |> splitter(Species) |> xl(.workbook_spec = list(startRow = c(6,4,2), zoom = 110))
iris |> splitter(Species) |> xl(.sheet_titles=c('SMALL',NA,'LARGE'))
dplyr::starwars |> xl()
dplyr::starwars |> splitter(eye_color) |> xl(.sheet_titles = toupper)